Hello, I am Tyler G and I like to Do-it-myself. Follow along and take the DIY mantra to the next level and fill your weekends and your home with fun projects, pride, and posterity!
- We build anything and everything
- Inside our Home and Outside
- Wood, Metal and Everything Else
- Grab some Digital Plans
- If I can do it YOU can Too!!

Reviews & thoughts


Epic DIY D&D Game Table Build – Custom Hard Maple!
This is the start of a 10’x4’ DIY D&D game table build! If you’re a fan of the site, you know I love building a good game table! This massive Dungeons & Dragons gaming table was constructed with a hard maple pedestal base. I’ll be focusing on that section in

Epic DIY D&D Game Table Build – Custom Hard Maple!
This is the start of a 10’x4’ DIY D&D game table build! If you’re a fan of the site, you know I love building a

Building a Square Picture Frame for a Round Painting
In my home kitchen, we had a round picture of the Holy Family that we needed to fit into a square frame. Here’s how we

$300 26×48″ DIY Deck Fire Table Build!
The focus of this latest build is a DIY deck fire table with a propane flame. It was made out of cheap pine material, galvanized

DIY Guide to Installing Perfectly Aligned Drawer Fronts
I’ve made plenty of dressers and drawers for my YouTube channel and on the website, but I’ve often breezed over my drawer front installation process.

DIY Pedestal Game Table with a Removable Table Top
Today, we’re making a beautiful pedestal game table. Plus, this piece butts up against the kitchen table for when we need a 12.5-foot-long dining table

DIY Guide to Waterproofing Your Walk-In Shower
In the next installment of the ongoing saga of our bathroom remodel, I’m going to be showing you the ins and outs of waterproofing your