So our daughter is at an age this Christmas season that we think she would enjoy a tricycle to ride around in the basement while we exercise or do other chores. Not wanting to spend a ton of money on a few pieces of tubing and tiny wheels that will only be rolling a toddler around, slowly at that, we began to look at garage sales for a used tricycle. No luck for quite a while but finally my lovely wife found a tricycle at salvation army. Cosmetics were pretty rough but the nuts and bolts of the bike were still sturdy. So it was a little project for me to re-paint for a nice Christmas present!
The tricycle as purchased from Salvation Army.
Disassembled, cleaned up and ready for paint.
Paint Selection: Rust-oleum, Black, Maroon and Chrome for the Wheels.
Clamping on the workbench to try and dry evenly.
Taped off the handles and other parts we didn’t wanted painted.
Cleaned the wheels up with Simple-Green and a wire brush.
Time for some Chrome!
Assembled and complete!
Used vinegar and a drill mounted wire brush to clean all the bolts off. Must admit that I did try and buy new SS bolts but could not fined the proper sizes to I opted to clean and reuse and I am glad that I did, save some dollars.
In the end it was a fun little project that only cost about $15 bike included! My wife and daughter did not see it until Christmas day and it was fun to see my wife’s face at the big difference!