In this video I use one sheet of plywood and limited tools to build a portable crib for when we are up north at the family’s lake house. This crib allows a mother and child to safely sleep together without taking up too much mattress room or risk of smothering.
This is the third co-sleeper crib that I have made but this design is much simpler a can be completed with only a jig saw and drill. The first two that I built were very complicated and took a lot of time to complete.
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Co-Sleeper 2.0
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If you build one be sure to shoot me an email so I can see, love to see what you guys are up to! Thanks for checking this build out and take care
Mousa –
Good job I like it, thanks bro.
hugo –
Tem como vc me for ecer o projeto PDF vc é mto bom na verdade queria aprender com vc mais não tenho condições financeiras para isso fica só no sonho mesmo kkkkkkk
Gabriel Pedroza –
Love it, please send me plans to make 2 of these side cribs.
Kumeshen –
Good stuff. Can you send me plans. I want to make one for my baby girl.
Ida morena –
My name is ida from the Netherlands. Im expacting my first child and I would love to make your design co sleeper. Is it possible to get the measeurements?
Trinidad Gil –
Could you please send me the plans as we are expecting our 8th child. Would help me out tremendousl. Thanks and great work.
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
Congrats and plans are available here;
Haim –
It is amazing can you send me the plans I’m a limited tool dad
Azam Anuar –
Great stuff!
leila –
Love it, please send me plans i would like to make it as a gift for my sister she just had a babay.
thank you