Cheap Hardware Murphy Bed (Full Size)
18 Pages of basic, full color, plans for the DIYTyler FULL SIZE MATTRESS Murphy Bed. This is a Digital download in PDF format.
These plans are non-refundable. After checkout you will be given a link to download and you will receive an email with a receipt and another link in case you missed it.
Full is 57 7/8′ wide, 80″ off the wall down, 16 3/4″ off the wall up, 80″ tall.
Lumber Needed:
5) Sheets of 3/4″ Plywood for the bed.
1) 2x6x8
2) $10 Swivel Brackets
Various screws, nuts and bolts.
Additional sheets necessary for options.
You will receive all variations of the bed plans, use the latest version for your build.
v1.2 Updated swivel bracket link to available bracket. Hardware added.
Ian –
Simple but practical design. I love it. By the way, thumbs up to the little helper. He is cute.
Vic Hugo –
Hi >I Love your page,
I am interested in building the cheap Murphy bed m, but where can I get the swivel brackets?
Vic Hugo
Vic Hugo –
looks great , where can I get the swivel brackets online?. Are they 10 inch or 12 inche brackets?
Many thanks
Love your page
Maria Carvalho –
Great job. I loved it. Kisses for the small helper. From Brazil, Sao Paulo.
eias alnejem –
its an amazing project and i would like to do the same, if is it possible to know how do i can by the plan , thank you so much
Terry Malbon –
I purchased a set of plans for the Murphy bed for download. How do I redownload it as I’ve lost the plans
christopher –
Great plan. Very helpful. I had to modify it a bit do to the fact I already had a trim size Mattress and did not want to go out and by a new one when I already had a perfectly good one.
I was able to find the brackets at Walmart in the Sporting goods department for $7.89 each
Dennis McEntee –
Great project Tyler. Thanks for posting. Can these plans be modified for a horizontal bed? (rather than vertical). I only have a 7 ft. ceiling height.
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
Am sure they can….have had several people ask me about that just no time to modify on my end.
Carole Paquette –
Love this simple & cheap design. Is the “Full size” for a double bed? I see your other links for Queen bed – just need to confirm ithis size?
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
I believe full and double are one in the same.
Toartou D Kargou –
this could easily be adopted for a twin size bed? apparent twin bed is only 15 inches thinner than a full, so i can just adjust all the horizontal cuts by 15 inches?
Michele (verified owner) –
How deep of a mattress can I use
David H Garee –
I like the simplicity of the build. This would be a great project for someone just getting started in wood working.
Sal LaRosa –
I down loaded your plans ….and the building and installation went good …..where I went to get the plywood [ Lowes ] not good to choose from and settled on one type …..the plywood is very heavy and was difficult to raise and lower……do you have a plan or some information to be able to install gas springs to aid in the lifting and lowering… would be a great help. Now with the mattress in I can lower the bed frame with a lot of difficulty….but can not raise it by myself…..gas springs would help . I thank you ….Sal….oh by the way I’m almost 81…..and have bin a woodworker for over 40 years
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
Sal, Rockler and other companies offer a gas cylinder mechanism. Unfortunately it is very expensive which is why this design does not have them.
Asif –
It easy and beautiful I like this, thank you
I am from Romania and I want to make a wardrobe bed for a person 900 x 2000 mm.
We have found several swivel supports, which size and technical features you recommend.
Thank you.
I’m from Romania, please tell me what height has a box mattress
in this project
Thank you.
Dm –
What about plans for horizontal MB?
Rachel –
I seen video and I am wondering when you are going to make the video of the swivel brackets you had to make a correction on.
Also can you revise on where to find the swivel brackets and or anything else in regards to supplies to acheive the making of these Murphy Beds?
Other than that, you did a awesome job
On the video and thorough job in presenting it. I hope to have the same luck.
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
All of those details are in the plans.
Nacu –
I’m in Europe, I’d like to buy your design for a 200 x 80 x 18 cm mattress (78.75 x 31.50 x 7.1 inches aprox.). Can you sell me a version of your design for that mattress size?
Thank you
Jose Antonio Vargas –
I really want to purchase the Murphy bed plans, I’ve already purchased the wood sheets, and ordered the edge banding from Amazon. I can’t seem to locate the swivel seat hardware, oh, and for some reason I can’t seem to be able to download.
Can I pay for the plans and you mail them to my address please, I’ll pay the postage of course.
I anxiously await your reply.
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Jose Antonio Vargas
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
Jose, you can purchase and then download them on the page you left this review. Good luck!
Pam Brannon –
I just purchased your plans for the queen size bed. They look great! My question is how thick a mattress can I use. I have one that is 11 inches and wanted to know if it would fit without modifications of the plans. Thanks- I plan on starting to build bed tomorrow. I will let you know how it turns out.
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
Pam, You are in luck! The frame can handle up to a 13 1/4″ mattress. Good luck!
Bruno Duarte Gomes –
Ola, alguém por favor poderia me indicar uma loja que eu possa comprar o suporte giratório de $10,0?
Samantha –
So basically I would need my floor to ceiling 80inches total? Before I download want to make sure it will fit in mobile home.
Thanks and great job
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
If you build the frame in place you it will be 80″ tall. You will need another 2″ to be able to tip the assembled frame into place if you build it offsite.
OLIVIER Crisostomo –
Do you have a plan for a twin bed murphy ?
Lane Alvis –
Quick question, as I wanted to check before I purchase. How deep of a bed can I put in your design? Asking in regards to the full size plans. Thank you very much for your time!
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
For both the queen and the full plans you can put up to a 13.25″ thick mattress. Other measurements are included on the sale page if you needed something else.
Charlotte Carmichael –
Awesome project. I want to make my great grand kids a vertical murphy twin bed do you have plans for that?
Ian Bird (verified owner) –
Thanks for your video. I have downloaded the plans thinking they would be both metric and imperial. Do you do a metric version?
Darrin Wineberg –
Hey Tyler. Any chance this can be easily modified to accommodate a king sized mattress?
Cari (verified owner) –
Made this over the last few days. Overall this is a good plan with a very nice finished product. It is not too difficult to lift the bed info position and using boat seat swivels is genius. The only thing that didn’t work out well for me was the shelves/legs. Mine ended up being too short. I wish the plan called for longer cuts and explained how to cut the whole box down later, then my legs would have been the correct length. Still, it turned out great. I was also able to be more economical with my cuts and only needed 4 sheets of plywood. I didn’t make the side shelves, just the bed.
A note: I suggest building this in situ as much as possible. It is a heck of a thing to move!
Bill T. –
Your design is great! I am going to build two of them for my new house. Thing is; I need to build 1 full-size and 1 queen-size. So, the question is; must I buy two separate plans from you (one for each size)?
Bill T.
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
They are separate plans, you can [purchase one and make the changes and adjustments on your own if you like!
Elizabeth Griffin –
This ACTUALLY looks like something I could make. I’d like to add a drop down table to the exterior panels. Any other suggestions for the legs, instead of the shelves?
DS (verified owner) –
I have the murphy bed full size ready to install and have a question about the bearing placement. The plan shows on page 7 the swivel placed 1.5 inches (3/4 trim and 3/4 inset) but the mattress frame inset is only 3/4 total. Wont that leave the entire mattress box set in 3/4 inch when closed?
Steve Moore (verified owner) –
Great project. Thanks for putting it together.
Any suggestions to accommodate a thicker mattress up to 16″ (wider end panels?)
Cheryl (verified owner) –
Excellent plans! Helped me pull the trigger and start this build. It’s by far my biggest, but don’t let that scare you! Modifications: 18” cabinet to accommodate drawers that will go on the side. No floating shelves but made this to sit level on two milk crates 11.25” tall.
Luke –
I purchased the plans and in the description it says v1.2 has the updated swivel mount. I was sent v1.0 and v1.1, which look to be the exact same. How do I get v1.2? Need help fast, please!
Luke –
After staring at the plans a little longer, I realized they must have both been updated to reflect the correct dimensions. I noticed its 3/4 from the front without the trim piece.
DIYTyler (verified owner) –
Luke, you’re right. Both version have the correct bracket placement, the only change (as can be seen in the change log on the website) is that the new version has the hardware called out in the material list. If I remove the old plans anyone that previously purchase will loose access so that is why I have the revision.
Paul Atkins –
Im in Australia do you have any plans in millimeters and meters or I can convert
Joyce –
Hi Tyler,
Fantastic plan! Do you have the possibility to send a plan for this Murphy bed with a matrass size of 160×200 cm?
Shane Steele –
would you have a revised plan for a twin bed? I can purchase the full size and shrink it down myself but figured I’d ask
Eduardo Yanez (verified owner) –
On both plans it shows the same place you installed the swivel plate on the video but you said that was not the right spot can you place send right location to install
Mark –
How hard is it to scale to a Queen? That would be perfect.
Rae Lin –
Love the video and am going to buy the plans and build it. just wondering if you have a version coming with an attached fold down desk or stay upright desk? Also as most of the world uses metric not imperial measurements, is there a version coming using metric? All overcomable if not, but would make life easier 🙂
Rae Lin (verified owner) –
I’m organising materials to make this, but on the plans materials list it just says 3/4″ thick solid oak which is then cut down for the cabinet edging. Can you tell me the actual dimensions of the solid oak edging we apply? So far this is my only questions after the video and plans, and cutting, well done 🙂